Information about all things JSPR,
from the original story to the upcoming series and comic.

Character cards made to give extra details
and behind the scenes tidbits about
the various characters in JSPR

Information about the custom playlists
in line with the four main characters
(And eventually the custom music in the series)



The Spunky Leader of Team JSPR


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 6
BIRTHDATE // January 13th
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Loyalty, Fruit, Rain
DISLIKES // Sour Candy, Bullies
RANDOM TRAIT // Strategic Nerd
SEMBLANCE // "Whirlwind" - Summoning the powers of the winds to his aid, and over time gaining the ability to create miniature storms.
WEAPON // "Lupi Morsu" - Heavyweight warhammer, equipped with a Dust cycler for shooting orbs of condensed Dust energy for elemental or ranged attacks.


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy. Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


"Make sure to answer honestly, Jas! Respect the questionnaire process. Plus I had to come up with questions for literally all of our friends, so it'd kind of waste my time if you don't, eheh... Please answer." - Lily Verne

Q: "What's the reason for the name behind your hammer? And also... Uh... What's the name in like- normal language please?"
A: "It translates to 'Wolf's Bite'.... Kinda morbid, I know, but I was all angsty when I made the thing, so cut me some slack okay."
Q: "How did you unlock your Semblance? Was it cool?"
A: "Well... Amethyst and I were relaxing after training one day, and it was about to rain. The winds were picking up, and I just felt so... Connected to it. Kinda boring, I'm sure, but that's it."
Q: What made you pick Atlas over the three other Academies?"
A: "It's my home! Not to mention other than... Well, except for visiting family, I've never been that far from Atlas. With the Vytal Festival coming up anyway, why worry about that?"
Q: "Have you dated anybody before? I feel like Atlas elite are always mingling, so I'm thinking it's possible."
A: "A couple of people, yeah. I had a girlfriend when I was younger, but that was more of a middle school kids thing. I did have a boyfriend a few years ago, but uh... Well, let's just leave it at that."
Q: "Have you ever struggled with the Huntsman training? Physically or... Er..."
A: "I can tell YOU have... But, uh, no! I've always been pretty much an ace... Well, except against some opponents using my weapon, that is... Luckily I'm getting pretty good at basic hand to hand so that shouldn't be a problem.
Q: "Are you and Amethyst still gonna do that annual tradition about your mom? Sorry if that one's too personal."
A: "You're fine! I mean... If we feel like it, sure. But I don't feel such a weight anymore, it doesn't feel.... Crushing, anymore."
Q: "Speaking of crushing... Did you know someone has a crush on you? Hehehehhe...." (QUESTIONNAIRE'S NOTE: he totally has no idea and i wanna poke fun lol)
A: "HUH? You're messing with me right, Lily? LILY, DON'T YOU RUN-"


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" from the Aesop's Fables. Jasper is the Boy, playing the game with his mom when he's little and pretending to be hunted by Beowolves only to put both himself and his mom in danger. His mom, Azalea, represents the sheep the Boy was herding that got eaten by the wolf. While in JSPR canon Azalea wasn't actually eaten, she was killed by a pack of Beowolves after being critically injured by a 'big, bad' thug.


The Fiery Powerhouse of Team JSPR


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 9
BIRTHDATE // July 3rd
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Pansexual
LIKES // Candles, Nighttime, Studying
DISLIKES // Disruptive People, Being Mocked
RANDOM TRAIT // Speed Reader
SEMBLANCE // "Fire Within" - Originally viewed as taking control over a demonic fire, it's actually about controlling a fire inside as power. Originally, the name was 'Hellfire' but was changed accordingly after making the above realization.
WEAPON // "Matchmaker" and "Spark" - Sword and knife respectively, the sword hilt embedded with a fire Dust crystal for charging her Semblance. It can be refueled by either pouring liquid fire Dust on the crystal, or replacing the crystal itself.


Originally from Vacuo, Ashe was kidnapped at a young age and was forced to adapt to the world on her own after managing to escape the cruel school she was locked away in. Eventually, once of age, she decided to enroll in the Academy most well known for their higher standards, in order to push herself to the furthest: Atlas Academy.After arriving at the Academy, Ashe did her best to direct the friends she made along the way in the initiation, but in the end she had to put her faith in her newly found partner, Jasper. After he managed to succeed, Ashe was easily able to call him both a friend and an ally on top of just being partners in their new team: JSPR.After settling in to Academy life, Ashe began to prepare for the upcoming Vytal Festival by researching. This led to the unfortunate remembrance of the school she got locked away in, and the horrors she committed to escape. Thanks to someone very close helping her push beyond those memories, she then had to help her team leader and partner when he was at his worst... But with a cost. In order to save him, she would have to become vulnerable herself and allow her team to know the truth of her past: That she lost control of her Semblance, and killed someone very close to her.After it was all said and done, Ashe was relieved that her team knew more about the story... But they didn't know all of it. The 'intricate details'.... Exactly how far the horrors she committed went. And so, she made a promise: Until she was sure she could control the beast inside her... She wouldn't use her Semblance again.


"I'm REALLY excited to hear some of these answers... You know I love hearing you talk." - Lily Verne

Q: "SO- First up: Weapon names. How'd you come up with 'em? Any special reason, or just your usual fiery energy?"
A: The latter, obviously. Sadly predictable, I'm sure, but I bet you've got some questions up your sleeve I can answer to surprise you."
Q: Alright... How'd you unlock your Semblance? I mean... I already know, but it's for the questionnare."
A: "When I was getting taken from the market trying to sell Dust as a little kid from Ms.Piper's goons, I accidentally dropped the crystal. Instead of getting burned alive, I actually CONSUMED the fire. Although bit of a backfire, considering they used that knowledge against me."
Q: "Sorry about that last one... Uh, anyway, who's your favorite member of your team?"
A: "No problem. And, Jas, but that was probably easy to guess. Being partners, we hang out literally all the time and plus he's easy to get along with. Rowan is a bit of a people pleaser, and Percy is the opposite. Jasper is a lot more... REAL than them."
Q: What's the red streak in your hair for? Is it natural, or dye like mine?"
A: "It's dye. It was meant to honor and remember someone who passed but... Well, let's just say, I won't be worrying about that anymore."
Q: "Last question: Who's your favorite fox Faunus?"
A: "Oh darn, there's so many to choose from... Guess I'll have to come back to that one."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "The Little Match Girl" from a Danish fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. Ashe is the Little Match Girl, or rather was, when her rather wicked grandmother sent her out selling Dust crystals alone in a Vacuo market... Either expecting her to get kidnapped or counting on it. Like in the story, Ashe came from a poor family and she did everything she could to help them make ends meet.


The Skeptical Technician of Team JSPR


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 4
BIRTHDATE // May 20th
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Aromantic-Asexual
LIKES // Penny Polendina, Books, Coffee
DISLIKES // Judgmental People, Anti-Faunus Ideology
RANDOM TRAIT // History Buff
FAVORITE FOOD // Empanadas
SEMBLANCE // Technokinesis - The mental control over technological devices. If it has code, Percy can at the very least access it. This was his primary way of controller his previous weapon, as well as linking his Semblance to his arms most times to give his eyes the purple coloring, given he has no natural eye color.
WEAPON // "Floating Point" - Gravity Dust wielding Umbrella, functioning seperately from the handle and the actually umbrella covering. The handle acts as a sort of wand or remote, directing the floating umbrella wherever Percy sees fit.


Born of a longtime Atlas military family, Percy originally had his future figured out: Joining the military, climb the ranks, strive to hopefully be General one day. But then everything changed when his father died in a bombing, and he lost his arms in the process. After being fitted with functional prosthetics, his future eventually became clear: He'd become a Huntsman. Your average military can't defend themselves or others like a Huntsman or Huntress can. So, once he came of age, he quickly made his way to the local Atlas Academy to start enrollment.After arriving at the Academy, Percy was incredibly standoffish to everyone around. To be honest, there were only a few people in his life he felt comfortable around, and one of them was dead. But as the initial Initiation exam went on, he found himself annoyingly reliant on those around him. Which, of course, was the last thing he wanted. He didn't want to feel stuck to other people in order to feel safe again... But by the time the Initiation was over, and whether he'd want to admit it or not, Percy found his new home: Team JSPR.After settling in to Academy life, Percy tried to distance himself from his team as best as he could. But, like the Initiation, he still felt himself growing closer and closer. And it only got worse after he ran into an old friend: Penny Polendina. She gave him something he thought he'd never see: His father's journal. And after learning that his father, in the end, wanted to make friendships work... Percy decided he'd try the same.And when his team needed him most, rather than run, Percy stuck around and followed through. It left him vulnerable again, but despite every inch of his body telling him to run and hide, he stayed. He finally had a home again... And he wasn't going to lose it. Not now.


"I'm pretty curious to hear what you're gonna say for these, actually." - Lily Verne

Q: "So your weapon name... It's kinda... Unique....?"
A: "If you're asking where it came from, I named it after my friend Penny's weapon. Her weapon, Floating Array, comes from coding terminology. Given my Semblance, and attachment to her, it only seemed fitting. Plus, if you think about it, the umbrella itself is a quite literal 'Floating Point'."
Q: "Okay... What about your Semblance? How'd you unlock it?"
A: "When I was little, my father left his Scroll where I could reach. I felt a strange draw to it, and when he came to scold me for playing with stuff I shouldn't, he was left surprised as he noticed the side effect of my Semblance: My eyes taking the color of whatever I'm controlling."
Q: "I'm not really from here, so what was it like growing up in Atlas?"
A: "I mean... About like you'd expect, really. High class, high standards... Heads high up their- Well, you know. Anti-Faunus ideologies thrive here, and when you take a look at companies like the SDC or the Crystal Cat Company, the reason becomes clear.
Q: "Where's somewhere you've never been you'd wanna go?"
A: "Huh... That one's pretty good. I'd say... Maybe Haven Academy? I've heard the campus there is beautiful and serene."
Q: "Alright lastly, who would you say you're closest with right now? Like out of anyone on Remnant."
A: "Oddly stupid question. Rowan, obviously. We have to spend a lot of time together as team partners, as well as practice our synergy in combat. It only makes sense when you think about it."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.


The Gentle Giant of Team JSPR


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 6 feet
BIRTHDATE // November 7th
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Homosexual
LIKES // Cats, Friends, Fighting Grimm
DISLIKES // Coffee, Getting Up Early
FAVORITE FOOD // "Ms.Myrtle's Special Beef Stew"
SEMBLANCE // "Heartjumper" - Using the power of the bonds he makes with others, he's able to open portals to the one's he's especially close with. These special few are discernable given that after a strong emotional moment occurs, hearts colored in the Aura of Rowan and the recipient swirl around them, signifying the forming of an 'unbreakable' bond.
WEAPON // "Defecit Pastor" - A pair of Dust cycling gauntlets, with launchable blades attached to the sides with retractable wires.


After losing his sister in Vacuo, Rowan spent his adolescence training for the day he'd be able to save her. And when his caretaker passed, he made it his mission to soar as high as he could for her... To make it to the school in the 'City of Dreams'.... Atlas Academy.After arriving at the Academy, Rowan very easily got along with his new friends. Other than a few outliers, everyone was able to easily get along with him. The Initiation was a piece of cake... Until the end, of course, when his 'Team Leader to be' sacrificed himself for the rest of the team to succeed. Which they did... And for his valiance, so did their leader Jasper.After settling in to Academy life, Rowan did decently well at first.... But eventually everything started catching up with him. Early morning wakeups and tougher than expected classes rock him... It got so bad, he actually considered quitting. At least until his leader, Jasper, knocked him out of this mindset and promised to help tutor him. Rowan picked up after that, and with a newfound resolve to strive onward. He wouldn't quit... He couldn't.And after giving his all to help his leader too, Rowan came to a very awkward realization he wasn't sure how to handle... Especially considering his sister's state. He didn't want to give in and do things solely for himself, considering his sister is still kidnapped. But eventually his heart won over... And Rowan is left fawning over his own team leader who's done so much for him.


"I can't wait to tease you with some of these hehe...." - Lily Verne

Q: "So what's with the weird weapon name?"
A: "Oh! It roughly means 'False Shepherd'... At least, that's what Ms.Myrtle told me. It was the name of a book of obscure fairy tales she had me read myself to sleep with. It was about a heroic Faunus knight facing off against hordes of Grimm sent by a strange evil woman 'shepherding' them."
Q: "Weird... Anyway, how about your Semblance?"
A: "I was talking with Ms.Myrtle once after trying to leave and save my sister again. She finally admitted she didn't want to see me hurt... I guess it just finally clicked in my head to me that she was more than just some guardian watching over me... She cared about me, and I cared about her too."
Q: Cute... Speaking of cute, mind telling me about how you're crushing on a certain little cat Faunus....?"
A: "Does everyone know about that now?! I mean... Jasper's great! He's helped me so much, he's so powerful and cool, what do you expect me to say? Next question please....."
Q: "Fine, fine. How about you and Percy? You two surprisingly get along, despite you seeming like everything Percy would hate in somebody. Way too overly chipper for his taste, I thought."
A: "Ah, Percy's not so bad. Once you get to know him, you realize he's a LOT different than the person he tries to project being."
Q: "Who's your favorite member of Team BAZL? Bonus points for yours truly."
A: "I mean... I'm not really somebody who 'picks favorites'... I guess I talk the most to you. But then again, I'm pretty close with Amethyst... Bloom's really nice. Zephyr can be mean, but he's pretty cool. I dunno, I'm not good at this!"
Q: "Alright crybaby, last question: What's something you wanna do with her after you get your sister back?"
A: "I guess introduce her to my team, if I wouldn't have already! My team is kinda family too at this point, so I'd love for her to meet them."
Q: "Special bonus question: You say your team is like family, yet you're crushing on your team leader. Please explain your crap logic, sir."
A: "I'm gonna hit you."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "The Mother and the Wolf" - from Aesop's Fables. Specifically representing the Wolf in the story, although quite a heavy twist on the original tale. Instead of the mother being a protector, in JSPR Ms.Piper is hiding the 'Wolf's' own sister to try and claim as her own.The moral of the original fable, "Do not believe everything you hear" comes around in the end handful of chapters for Volume 2. Echo tries to sway his mind that Roana might be dead, but he perseveres.


The Timid Leader of Team BAZL


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 5
BIRTHDATE // July 19th
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Pansexual
LIKES // Springtime, Tea, Honesty
DISLIKES // Service Work, Spicy Food
RANDOM TRAIT // Gardener
FAVORITE FOOD // Strawberry Cake
SEMBLANCE // "Link" - Connecting minds together, the most common and simplest use being telekinesis but can go as far as invading the minds of others and causing things like splitting headaches or protecting their minds from other similar Semblances.
WEAPON // "Mother's Garden" - Dual wielding golden sickles, that combine to form a double bladed pistol.


Orphaned as a little girl, Bloom has very few memories of her mother and family. But she remembers a beautiful garden, one she hopes to find one day. After being left alone, Bloom was then taken in by a rich hotel owner in Mistral that employed her. After years of being abused by customer and guardian alike, she reached the age to enroll in a Huntsman Academy and went as far as she could: Atlas.After arriving at the Academy, Bloom was very quickly attached to her new partner Amethyst. Amethyst's confidence and power combined with her brother's intelligent tactics, Bloom was glad to have such a partner and friend. Although, she wasn't prepared to be made a team leader of her very own team: Team BAZL.After settling into Academy life, Bloom's insecurities about leading stuck strong. After all, she'd never led anything before. Who's to say she'd do any good? But after taking some of her own advice she gave her friend and fellow team leader, Jasper, she managed to get much closer to everyone on her team. Even the reclusive Zephyr, which she impressed herself by managing. But even then, they all didn't know her secret... Her Semblance, which she kept incredibly under wraps. Even the very few she trusted to know only knew was that it gave the ability of telepathyBut when her friend Jasper was in trouble, she had to come clean. She told everyone, even the Professors, about her true Semblance: Link. The ability to literally link minds to one another... The only thing that could save her friend. One staff member in particular, the widely regarded Winter Schnee, was furious... But Bloom was quickly defended by her partner, Amethyst. Bloom was thankful... And made it a point to trust her friends much more going forward.


"Pretty excited to ask your team some questions! I HAVE had a few things swirling around my head I've been curious about..." - Jasper Quartz.

Q: "So where exactly did you grow up? You never talk much about your childhood."
A: "Sadly, my childhood isn't exactly the... Well, happiest. I grew up in the main city of Mistral, but I was born in one of the outer villages... I don't even remember which one, by now. I have faint memories of my mother, and a beautiful garden. After something I can't recall, likely a Grimm attack, I was taken with a group of survivors to the main Kingdom. After that, I was... 'adopted' by this rich hotel owner.
Q: "You mentioned a garden. Is that why your weapons are sickles?"
A: "Yes! It serves as a nice reminder of my mother, as well as what I'd want to do if being a Huntress doesn't work out or I ever feel like stopping."
**Q: "You think your team is gonna qualify for the Vytal Tournament?"
A: "For sure! Who will be heading on to the 2v2 round is another question that I won't be answering, but I have full faith in my team."
Q: "How did you unlock your Semblance?"
A: "Strangely, I don't recall anything in particular unlocking it. Eventually, while staying with my guardian, I eventually began hearing the thoughts of guests. It was... Uncomfortable, to say the least."
Q: "Who's your favorite Professor?"
A: "Hm... That one is indeed tough... I'm going to give an impartial answer and say Ms.Santiago."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - Persephone, from Ancient Greek Myth. Several JSPR characters have side allusions to Greek legends, but Bloom is one of the few that have their primary allusion be a Greek myth.


The Confident Swordsman of Team BAZL


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 6
BIRTHDATE // January 13th
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Pop Music, Cherry Flavored Sweets, Lattes
DISLIKES // Death Metal, Soda
RANDOM TRAIT // Amateur Singer
FAVORITE FOOD // Burger and Fries
SEMBLANCE // "Charm" - Filling objects with the Semblances of others. Typically stored in a small notepad of multicolored papers, any Semblance can be stored for an array of different uses or effects, depending on how the paper is used and what Semblance is in the paper.
WEAPON // "Claw" and "Hiss" - Sword and pistol, respectively. Pistol fires Dust rounds for elemental damage, as well as blanks for combining with her Semblance papers for special Semblance shots.


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Amethyst has always been built for the higher standards. As such, when she decided to become a Huntress after her mom passed, it was only obvious she'd go for the Academy known for it's higher standards: Atlas Academy.After arriving at the Academy, Amethyst struggled to adapt to the less neat and tidy conditions she'd always trained in. The first thing she did was land directly into mud and then worry about her boots so much she didn't notice a Grimm sneaking up on her... Luckily she was saved by two new allies: Percy and Bloom, the latter becoming her new partner.After settling in to Academy life, Amethyst pretty much coasted along the first semester. However, she was spending a good amount of her time wondering about her brother, Jasper... After their mom passed away, Jasper has never really been 'okay'. Mentions of nightmares leave her even more worried.But after a very teary resolution, Amethyst is freed to go back to worry about herself and her own team. With their first Missions on the way, as well as the Vytal Tournament, Amethyst can't afford to get distracted any more. At least, she hopes nothing else will come up...


"Amethyst's turn? Oh this is gonna be SO much fun." - Jasper Quartz.

Q: "I already know, but how did you unlock your Semblance? For the questionnaire, obviously."
A: "Oh, well, I unlocked it while we were training and I shoved you away and then accidentally filled my sword with your Semblance."
(QUESTIONNARE REPLY: "I remember... That hurt a LOT.")
Q: "Anyway... Who would you say is your favorite Professor?"
A: "DEFINITELY Professor Borealis. She's so fun and smart! I swear, she's like a walking textbook. You could ask her who won a battle in like the second year of the Great War and she'd know immediately what you're talking about. It's scary good, her memory. Not to mention Professor Desmond is kinda grumpy..."
Q: Since Lily mentioned something weird, figure I should add this to list: Got a crush on anybody at the moment? Or just... Like anyone in general, really?"
A: "Hm... Maybe. I'll have to get back to you, but for now a solid 'maybe'."
Q: You like to sing so I figure it's only fair to ask: Did you pick that up from Weiss Schnee? We've hung out with her before, and she's the heiress to the rival company we're gonna inherit, so..."
A: "Uh, excuse me? Prissy Miss Schnee didn't INVENT singing. What, just because she's an heiress, that means no other heirs of anything can sing ever? A girl can't have hobbies?"
(QUESTIONNARE'S NOTE: I knew this was going to push her buttons, so that's why I mentioned it hehe.)
Q: "Sources, that may or not may be me, say that you have a family cat. Care to comment on the rumors?"
A: "Crystal is a sweetheart! That's her name, by the way. She's this pretty white fluffy cat we have! We had a dog when we were little, but we gave the puppy to our family in Vale. I hope he's doing okay!"
Q: "How often do you talk to Uncle Tai and them, by the way? Before the Vytal trip, I mean."
A: "Not as often as I'd like. To give me some credit, they live in Patch which is a small island off the coast of Vale. Their CCT relay tower is CONSTANTLY under repair, and they're just too far away from the main CCT to get a good signal without their relay."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Puss in Boots" - A widespread European fairy tale, with many variations and no exact 'correct' version. Using various details from various versions of this Fairy Tale, Amethyst does have the trademarked detail of her bright red boots as well as being a cat Faunus wielding a blade.


The Aggressive Brute of Team BAZL


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 6
BIRTHDATE // "January 26th"
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
SEMBLANCE // "Darkstep" - The ability to walk through shadows and travel using them. The larger the distance, the more difficult it is to control and the higher risk for harm.
ADMISSION'S NOTE: Some odd issues when I check some of the information about Mr.Garnet, especially some stuff like his Vale birth certificate. Reminding myself to contact his guardians later about this. - Stephanie Santiago


Supposedly born and raised in Vale, Zephyr is in actuality a spy working for Salem's associate Dr.Fontaine. He was sent to spy on Jasper and Amethyst Quartz, the twin heirs to an Atlas business empire, to progress them into the Academy and ensure they made it safely to Vale for the Vytal Festival in order for Dr.Fontaine to study them and see if they inherited a special gift from their mother: A fraction of the Maiden power, a mystical power that gets granted to four young women on Remnant. Dr.Fontaine was skeptical they'd have it, given the Maiden powers transfer via death to a new host. But Salem assured Dr.Fontaine that she's witnessed first hand magic being passed genetically... And so, they pressed on.For the most part during the first semester at Atlas, Zephyr kept almost entirely to himself. To be fair, he didn't want to bother given he knows they're all going to likely be dead by the end of the Vytal Festival anyway. But, still, he couldn't help but grow more fond of all his teammates, not Bloom or even Amethyst... or the annoying fox Faunus, Lily.Yet he was still reminded of his assured path, when Dr.Fontaine and another 'guardian' of his showed up: The Jade Serpent, a local serial killer in Atlas and a member of the former criminal gang 'The Zodiac'. He's conflicted, but he knows what he has to do..... One way or another.Besides... Anything is easy when the right motivation is involved.


"Now for the most elusive of BAZL... Pretty interested to see where this goes." - Jasper Quartz

Q: "How'd you unlock your Semblance? One like yours must have a pretty neat story behind it."
A: "Well, when you're slammed into the ground but instead fall into your own shadow just to fly out of the shadow of your trainer... Yeah, it get's pretty weird."
Q: "What was it like growing up in Vale?"
A: "Crap. Next question."
Q: "Okay... You've mentioned your guardian before... What's she like?"
A: "Terrifyingly meticulous planner. I can't be sure, but I'm like 90% sure she's one of those 'Living vicariously through her kids' kinda parents."
Q: "What made you want to learn scythe combat? I've heard that's one of the most difficult and dangerous types of weaponry to learn."
A: "It is. Exactly why I wanted to learn it. When I was younger, everyone pretty much told me I was worthless. I figured if I could learn one of the most insane forms of combat, that'd give me a bit of worth."
Q: "You have a guardian, so do you have any ideas about your birth parents? Tried to seek them out?"
A: "Ask another question before you gotta ask your rich dad for a new set of teeth."
Q: "Uh.... Dog person or cat person?"
A: "Easy. Dogs."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - Hades, from Ancient Greek Myth. Multiple instances of this, such as the scythe which is commonly depicted as a tool of death on top of his villain pseudonym being literally 'Hades'.


The Witty Brawler of Team BAZL


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 7
BIRTHDATE // August 28th
HOME KINGDOM // N/A "Menagerie"
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Homosexual
LIKES // Ashe, Vacuo, Sweets
DISLIKES // Coffee, Criminals
RANDOM TRAIT // Amateur Baker
FAVORITE FOOD // Verne Family Recipe Bun Burgers
SEMBLANCE // "Control Freak" - Ability to control the potency of Dust, as well as prevent or cause volatile Dust from activating.
WEAPON // "Feral Fury" - Gloves with blade claws embedded for coating with Dust for either short or long range attacks.


Losing her dad was hard, but Lily managed to push past it to work towards a much greater goal than herself: Becoming a Huntress, and saving people from fates like her dad's. And what better than the one place she's always told Faunus shouldn't go: Atlas. After all, she's nothing without a pretty good rebellious streak.After arriving at the Academy, Lily practically instantly met one of the most angsty people she's ever met: Her new partner, Zephyr. Very easy to poke fun, too, which is perfect for anyone Lily could partner with. And after passing the Initiation, she was greeted with two more much better conversationalists: Amethyst and Bloom, together forming Team BAZL.After settling in to Academy life, Lily did her best to fit in with all her friends, which included their team's 'brother' team: Team JSPR. She found herself able to get along well with one member in particular: Ashe Sparks. Although Rowan was fun to tease... And Percy was just as fun to pester.Lily enjoys being around so many friends, having been fairly isolated back on Menagerie. She's glad to have so many people she can rely on... She's hoping they can all stick this close for all four years, and hopefully after that too.


"Ha! My turn now... And YOUR turn in the hot seat this time!" - Jasper Quartz

Q: "How'd you unlock your Semblance? It's a pretty unique one, at least from all that I've seen."
A: "After my dad passed, I was helping my mom by getting odd jobs around the village. I was helping cart some crates, and it was like I could feel the Dust in the box someone was carrying next to me. When they dropped it, I guess it was just instincts and I stopped it from going off. I've always kinda felt weird around Dust, and my Semblance explains why."
Q: "Most people usually have pretty crazy, over the top weapons like a 'bigger than the wielder fifty caliber sniper scythe'. Why just a glove with claws?"
A: "Why go overboard when my babies get the job done just fine? I haven't had any problems fighting somebody or something yet, so no upgrades necessary here."
Q: What's it like in Team BAZL?"
A: "Pretty fun! Bloom is super lenient, Am is super cool to hang out with, and Zeph is super easy to piss off. It's awesome."
Q: What would you be if you weren't gonna be a Huntress? Like, rewind time and tell your younger self not this?"
A: "Easy! Baker. I love baking, ever since I was little. My mom and I bake together all the time, all kinds of stuff. I'll make Team JSPR a treat sometime."
Q: "You mentioned a crush. Spill it now."
A: "You'll get the answer when you pry it from my cold, dead hands, catboy."
Q: Fine. Last question: How long did you have a crush on Ashe for then, since you wanna be coy?"
A: "HEY!.... Okay, fine... I started liking her about halfway through our first semester. We just kept getting closer, and I kept liking her more. Happy?"


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "The Cat and the Fox" - From Aesop's Fables. Taking the role of the fox, her and Jasper haven't had the most interactions just yet within the main story. That plans to change with Volume 3 especially, and likely onward as well.


A Late Friend


AGE // 24
HEIGHT // 5 foot 6
BIRTHDATE // December 24th
GRADUATE SCHOOL // Emerald Slipper University
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Cooking, Reading, Students
DISLIKES // Bad Attitudes, Giving Up
RANDOM TRAIT // Excellent Cook
FAVORITE FOOD // Chicken Parmesan


Born and raised in Vale, Stephanie Santiago grew up under a roof of religious virtue. Specifically, to the 'Vowist' religion of bringing unity by any means to the world. Stephanie never bought into it, and when her parents died despite praying otherwise, she only distanced herself further from that life.After graduating from university with the prospect of being an educational overseer, she was surprised to be offered a position at the illustrious Atlas Academy. After accepting, she grew close to not only the one and only General James Ironwood, but also to his military right hand: Winter Schnee, one of the best Special Operatives of the Atlas Military.She did her job well for years, until she met her unfortunate end at the hands of an Atlesian serial killer known as 'The Jade Serpent' with ties much deeper and darker than anyone could imagine.


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - Not one direct allusion, but rather based on a few things. Initially, there is a background detail during Volume 7 about scheduling meetings with Ironwood with a 'Stephanie Santiago'. It's been theorized her possible allusion could've been Saint Stephen, one of the first deacons of the Christian Church. As such, I wanted Stephanie to be a very saintly, kind and giving character... Obviously not leaning TOO heavily on that and making her unbearably naive, but giving it a solid balance of the two. Stephanie means crown, and as such her outfit and backstory holds plenty of golden elements.


Cold Crusader of the Atlas Military


AGE // 23
HEIGHT // 5 foot 8 1/2
BIRTHDATE // May 20th
LIKES // Combat Training, Order, Obediance
DISLIKES // Atlas Elite, Rulebreakers
RANDOM TRAIT // Music Enjoyer
FAVORITE FOOD // Smoked Salmon Pasta
SEMBLANCE // "Glyphs" - Schnee Family Semblance with vast uses and utility, with some glyphs used for power and utilizing Dust, and others used for summoning Grimm.
WEAPON // "Crocus" - Sword that can drop out part of itself to form a second, smaller sword.


Born as the original heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, Winter broke off from her family to carve her own destiny in the Atlas Military underneath her closest ally and friend: General James Ironwood. Over time, she struggled to form more connections beyond the General and his right hand at Atlas Academy, Stephanie Santiago. Even still, she works hard every day as one of the best and most well known Special Operatives of Atlas.


Rather than exploring Winter's allusion, seeing as she's a character initially in RWBY, I thought I'd explore some of the process behind Winter's story so farIn RWBY Volume 3, we met Winter: A very strict, militant woman, but with an underlying softness for some characters heavily including her sister Weiss. I wanted to explore more of that 'softer' Winter and give her something we've never really seen from Winter before: A friendship(beyond General Ironwood). Obviously it escalates further than that in reality, but for the sake of explanation let's just leave it at the initial friendship.And then, in JSPR // Volume 2, Winter had to come to grips with Stephanie's death. Until Volume 8, I don't think Winter would've ever had such an attachment like Stephanie or Weiss having been lost right before her eyes. But, luckily, the world is in a much better place in Volume 2 so instead of falling deeper, Winter instead can adjust to loss and become a better woman in the future... Obviously, there will be repercussions as well as positive changes in the future...



IDK somethin


AGE // 51
HEIGHT // 5 foot 7
BIRTHDATE // December 7th
SCHOOL // Atlas Academy
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


"I'm REALLY excited to hear some of these answers... You know I love hearing you talk." - Lily Verne

Q: "SO- First up: Weapon names. How'd you come up with 'em? Any special reason, or just your usual fiery energy?"
A: The latter, obviously. Sadly predictable, I'm sure, but I bet you've got some questions up your sleeve I can answer to surprise you."
Q: Alright... How'd you unlock your Semblance? I mean... I already know, but it's for the questionnare."
A: "When I was getting taken from the market trying to sell Dust as a little kid from Ms.Piper's goons, I accidentally dropped the crystal. Instead of getting burned alive, I actually CONSUMED the fire. Although bit of a backfire, considering they used that knowledge against me."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.


Harsh Professor


AGE // 63
HEIGHT // 5 foot 7
BIRTHDATE // May 20th
GRADUATE SCHOOL // N/A "Passed the Huntsman License Exam
when they were initially instated"
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


"I'm REALLY excited to hear some of these answers... You know I love hearing you talk." - Lily Verne

Q: "SO- First up: Weapon names. How'd you come up with 'em? Any special reason, or just your usual fiery energy?"
A: The latter, obviously. Sadly predictable, I'm sure, but I bet you've got some questions up your sleeve I can answer to surprise you."
Q: Alright... How'd you unlock your Semblance? I mean... I already know, but it's for the questionnare."
A: "When I was getting taken from the market trying to sell Dust as a little kid from Ms.Piper's goons, I accidentally dropped the crystal. Instead of getting burned alive, I actually CONSUMED the fire. Although bit of a backfire, considering they used that knowledge against me."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.

The Jade

Esteemed Serial Killer


AGE // ???
HEIGHT // 6 foot 2
BIRTHDATE // June 1st
SEXUALITY // Pansexual
RANDOM TRAIT // "Nice try. No intel for you, little prey."
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
WEAPON // "Serpiente Venenosa" - idk


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.


Wicked Biologist


AGE // "You never ask a lady that, darling."
HEIGHT // 5 foot 11
SEXUALITY // Pansexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
WEAPON // ???


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


"Cruella DeVil" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.
"Dr.Frankenstein" -


Reflective Warrior


AGE // 16
HEIGHT // 5 foot 2
HOME KINGDOM // "Her Majesty's"
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
SEMBLANCE // "Echo" - Creating ghostlike recreations of memories, as well as being able to replicate the members of fights from the past as long as she's near the fight location. She can't go far from those spots and still summon the combatants, so it's only useful in places that already have had fights in the past. The newer, the better.
WEAPON // "Mirror's Edge" - Two blades that can be dipped in liquid Dust for elemental attacks. Not great at range, so Echo relies on sneak attacks and up close combat.


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Echo" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.


Synthetic Savior


AGE // "I designed Penny as a teenage young lady, but she's still got a lot to learn... Early-Mid teens would be the best answer." - Dr.Pietro Polendina
HEIGHT // 5 foot 5
BIRTHDATE // December 31st
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
WEAPON // "Floating Array" - A collection of wire strung blades that fly through the air, and can collapse in on themselves to form miniature laser rifles.


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


"I'm REALLY excited to hear some of these answers... You know I love hearing you talk." - Lily Verne

Q: "SO- First up: Weapon names. How'd you come up with 'em? Any special reason, or just your usual fiery energy?"
A: The latter, obviously. Sadly predictable, I'm sure, but I bet you've got some questions up your sleeve I can answer to surprise you."
Q: Alright... How'd you unlock your Semblance? I mean... I already know, but it's for the questionnare."
A: "When I was getting taken from the market trying to sell Dust as a little kid from Ms.Piper's goons, I accidentally dropped the crystal. Instead of getting burned alive, I actually CONSUMED the fire. Although bit of a backfire, considering they used that knowledge against me."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.


The Late Spring Maiden


HEIGHT // 5 foot 10
SCHOOL // Beacon Academy
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


"I'm REALLY excited to hear some of these answers... You know I love hearing you talk." - Lily Verne

Q: "SO- First up: Weapon names. How'd you come up with 'em? Any special reason, or just your usual fiery energy?"
A: The latter, obviously. Sadly predictable, I'm sure, but I bet you've got some questions up your sleeve I can answer to surprise you."
Q: Alright... How'd you unlock your Semblance? I mean... I already know, but it's for the questionnare."
A: "When I was getting taken from the market trying to sell Dust as a little kid from Ms.Piper's goons, I accidentally dropped the crystal. Instead of getting burned alive, I actually CONSUMED the fire. Although bit of a backfire, considering they used that knowledge against me."


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.


High-Spirited Leader of Team RWBY


AGE // 15
HEIGHT // 5 foot 1
BIRTHDATE // October 31st
SCHOOL // Beacon Academy
SEXUALITY // Demiromantic-Demisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
SEMBLANCE // "Petal Burst" - Turning into a burst of rose petals and moving at much quicker speeds.
WEAPON // "Crescent Rose" - Massive sniper-scythe, that can collapse down into just a sniper rifle that fires 50 caliber Dust ammunition.


Born and raised in Patch, a small island near the Kingdom of Vale, Ruby grew up wanting to be just like her late mother, Summer Rose. That, mixed with the kind-heart and good will instilled in her by her father, Taiyang Xiao Long, and more importantly her half-sister Yang Xiao Long, Ruby eventually found herself in a fight on the streets of Vale that got her accepted into Beacon two years early by it's mysterious Headmaster: Professor Ozpin.Eventually forming a team with her sister, an heiress from Atlas named Weiss, and a bookworm runaway Blake, together forming Team RWBY.


Versatile Swordsman of Team RWBY


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 3
BIRTHDATE // May 15th
SCHOOL // Beacon Academy
FAVORITE FOOD // Low Sweet Coffee
SEMBLANCE // "Glyphs" - Schnee Family Semblance with vast uses and utility, with some glyphs used for power and utilizing Dust, and others used for summoning Grimm.
WEAPON // "Myrtenaster" - Dust cycling rapier


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.



AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 6
BIRTHDATE // January 19th
HOME KINGDOM // N/A "Menagerie"
SCHOOL // Beacon Academy
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
SEMBLANCE // "Shadow" - WEAPON // "Gambol Shroud" -


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.

Xiao Long

Sunny Little Dragon of Team RWBY


AGE // 17
HEIGHT // 5 foot 8
BIRTHDATE // July 28th
SCHOOL // Beacon Academy
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
SEMBLANCE // "Burn" - Taking in damage physically, but being able to dish it back twice as hard. Not invincible by any means, but as long as she can take it she can throw it back even harder.
WEAPON // "Ember Celica" - Shotgun gauntlets loaded with fire dust.


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


The Last Sister


AGE // 43
HEIGHT // 5 foot 7
BIRTHDATE // May 20th
SCHOOL // Beacon Academy
SEXUALITY // Bisexual
LIKES // Music, Solitude, Fiction
DISLIKES // Dr.Fontaine, Jasper Quartz, Spinach
RANDOM TRAIT // Guitarist
FAVORITE FOOD // Double Chocolate Chip Cookies


Born and raised in the higher echelons of Atlas, Jasper has always had his sights set on attending Atlas Academy.Set on the path to a Huntsman from the death of his mother, the esteemed Huntress Azalea Quartz, Jasper has stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.After arriving at the Academy, Jasper quickly marked himself to be the leader of his team when he sacrificed himself for his friends to make it through the finish line without him while fending off against the worst imaginable foe for a first year Huntsman student: Special Operative Winter Schnee. And thus Team JSPR, led by Jasper Quartz, was born.After settling in to Academy life, Jasper little by little began to believe in his abilities as a leader. And bit by bit, nightmares of his mother's death began to fade too... But all of it came crashing down when his friends, with good intentions, accidentally distracted him from visiting his mother's grave with his sister. After years of buried psycological damage came crashing down, so too did his Semblance on the JSPR dorm room.With a little mind Semblance help from another friend, Jasper's team saved him from the meltdown as all three of them let out their biggest griefs and anxieties as an unspoken promise was made: They'd figure it all out. Together.


FAIRY TALE ALLUSION - "Pinocchio" - from 'The Adventures of Pinocchio' by Italian author Carlo Collodi. Specificially representing the talking cricket, known commonly as Jiminy Cricket. In the original story, the Talking Cricket is a tad critical of Pinocchio leading to Percy's arriving personality, being very critical of his allies. Some small references were taken here and there from more popularized versions, such as the umbrella or being a bit more in touch with 'Pinocchio' A.K.A Penny.


A fanfiction turning fancomic of the hit webseries RWBY, JSPR follows Jasper Quartz, Ashe Sparks, Percy Cliff and Rowan Everstone across the World of Remnant... as events from the original series start to fall apart from their influence.

Series Teasers


The link to the JSPR Youtube Channel, home to the JSPR: the Series videos, shorts and teasers.

The link to the original AO3 fic that started it all.

The eventual links to the JSPR Beacon Arc Recap comic, and the JSPR: Volume 4 comics.

Cast List

MEADOW BLOOM - 'SammyAbigail'
STEPHANIE SANTIAGO - 'Sophia/Shepherd'
NEON KATT - 'Sophia/Shepherd'


We have a few open slots as you can see, so feel free to either click the link below to join our audition discord server! If you want other outlets, you could also DM @TeamJSPR on Twitter, Instagram, or @EclipsedSkai on Tik Tok!

AS OF 1/29/24
Currently Remaining Roles for Volume 1:

LILY VERNE (opened for recasting)
PENNY POLENDINA (opened for recasting)